
Due to our roots we're aiming to uplift the startup culture in the Caribbean, through our global network.

Why We Are Confident

We are highly motivated to proceed and make an impact and here's why we feel confident about the Caribbean.


The expertise in the Caribbean is highly underestimated and we will be working to providing more opportunities to them.

Market Potential

Based on the current investments, by 2030, $2 Trillion will be invested in the Caribbean and LATAM (Latin America).

Culture and Freedom

Regardless of the economic situations in these regions, the spirit and pursuit to better times has made these regions the most interesting investment area.


We will be focusing on three fields and looking to reach the following targets by 2025 in the Caribbean.

Recruitment focus
Startups focus
Investment focus
People employed
Employment opportunities
Startup dreams realized
Startups founded
Local investments

Join the Movement

We are providing employment and other opportunities to the Caribbean and LATAM startup community. Here's how you can support or join this movement and be part of the bigger picture.


Are you curious to know more about the current landscape in the Caribbean? Do you want to share content through our events with the local audience?

Let us know!


Is your startup looking for tech talent or virtual assistants? Let us know and we'll get you the best candidates as you support this cause.

Book a time slot for more information.


With the Caribbean and LATAM rising fast, we're offering interested investors the opportunity to get more insight on that landscape.

Schedule a session for more information.